Cali :15

We learned that we couldn..t go back. It was an exciting feeling but in the end it just made us sorta miserable. The dogs were having a mess party with the baby.We were tired but our delusional state mixed with the fatigue driving was still beautiful. We made it down a road less traveled by cutting through to prescott missing the city. We would have been at this point mid day.. had it not been us getting stuck in a ditch in slab city.
     We tried . We dug. We prayed to salvation mountain to bring us its name. God was mad or something. Watching us, dig in the dirt.. for five hours we were stuck. Trying every possible way until.. one slip up of a tired , losing hope quicker than the pope, driving since 1am .. friend .. sent us into a ditch so deep.
   The tow cost us all thee emergency money , 200 dollars. We are broke girls. Working in a coffee kiosk. Drive thru. Its a shack honestly. Pays okay, but not to cost this. We should have never left the campsite.
    The water was a relief, Peppermint has never been to the ocean. Neither has Olive. Neither has she been to mamas. Was a first for me too where it was comfortable.
    She lives in a tiny trailer with her new
Its so cuteeeeee. She had a box for me. Filled with various items she thought I would like . She said she was going to mail ot but she couldn’t find a bigger package.
  Box content:
Larry boy hat.
Japanese postcards
Three tank tops
A bow for olive
A crazy puzzle
Peppermint tea

Shes such a nice lady.

     The intimate details i could share of this trip… seems endless. The bugs we saw, rides we rode, things said, things gone….

work grind.

I can make a song listening to the sounds of machines,
twirling , whirling, water flowing, coffee please i need it now,
i cant wait ten seconds more.
please , the espresso is being poured,
in and out
round a bout
the windows on both sides
but please dont check me out
i dont need any mustache rides.
twirling, whirling. bubbling. coffee extract in my skin the smell of buzzing hummingbirds
whispering all the sweet words.
while i stay busy. or pretend to when someones looking.
in and out round about.
your organic coffee is here..